Supplier Code of Conduct

1 Introduction

This Supplier Code of Conduct (Code) outlines our minimum expectations of suppliers providing goods and services to Iris Energy Limited (doing business as IREN) and its subsidiaries (IREN, us, our or we). We expect our suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and to meet the standards and principles set out in this Code in their business activities, operations and their own supply chain.

This Code applies to all new and existing suppliers. Suppliers who engage subcontractors when providing goods or services to us must ensure that this Code is communicated to them.

Compliance with this Code is a material consideration for us and will be used as part of our supplier evaluation, selection and contract management process. We reserve the right to undertake due diligence and assessments to verify compliance with the Code.

2 Business integrity

We expect our suppliers to:

  1. act ethically and with integrity at all times;
  2. comply with all applicable laws including those relating to the prevention of bribery, corruption, fraud, tax evasion, money laundering or similar or related activities;
  3. identify and report to us any conflicts of interest; and
  4. in all dealings with us, not engage directly or indirectly in trade activities with or include in their supply chain any goods or services sourced from, sanctioned persons, countries or organisations; in accordance with all sanctions laws in the relevant jurisdictions applicable to us.

3 Health and safety

Safety is a fundamental component in the way we conduct our business. We expect our suppliers to:

  1. take all precautions reasonably necessary to protect the health and safety of every worker and other people at or near the worksite;
  2. empower all workers to “stop the job” “if there is a risk to their own health and safety or to the health and safety of others;
  3. provide workers with job-related training and ensure they utilize safety equipment and personal protective equipment as required or needed while performing work;
  4. have appropriate emergency plans and response procedures in place;
  5. promptly report all incidents, unsafe acts or conditions at our sites immediately to us;
  6. investigate health and safety concerns and incidents, and implement corrective actions in a timely manner to prevent their recurrence and to identify learnings; and
  7. comply with our work, health and safety procedures when visiting our sites.

4 Intellectual property, privacy and confidentiality

We expect our suppliers to:

  1. respect intellectual property rights and act in a manner protecting intellectual property rights;
  2. comply with all relevant privacy and data protection laws, cybersecurity laws and regulations; and
  3. have arrangements in place so that personal information, confidential information and trade secrets are securely stored, disclosed only on a need-to-know basis and used only for permitted purposes.

5 Labour and human rights

We believe that all workers deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. We expect our suppliers to:

  1. comply with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to wages, benefits, resignation, superannuation, leave entitlements, working hours and workers compensation insurance and have in place adequate procedures to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for adverse human rights impacts (including forced labour and other forms of modern slavery1) in their operations and supply chains;
  2. permit workers to associate freely, bargain collectively and seek representation in accordance with local laws;
  3. not discriminate against any worker based onage,disability, ethnicity, gender marital status, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, union membership, or any other characteristic protected by law, in hiring and other employment practices; and
  4. provide access to their workers to a grievance mechanism to report concerns regarding adverse human rights impacts without fear of retaliation, intimidation, or harassment.

6 Environmental sustainability

In line with our commitment to operate sustainably and minimise our environmental impact, we expect our suppliers to comply with all applicable environmental laws and monitor and reduce hazardous air emissions, wastewater and waste generated from its operations.

7 Questions and concerns

We expect our suppliers to monitor compliance with this Code and take reasonable steps to address, remedy and prevent any breach (or possible breaches) of this Code.

If you have a question or a concern, or would like to report a breach, or a suspected breach, of this Code please refer to our Complaints and Whistleblowing Protection Policy on our website or make a report on the Ethics Hotline by telephone at +1 888-586-1068 or via the website. You may make an anonymous report to the Ethics Hotline, although providing your identity may assist the Company in addressing your questions or concerns

PDF of the Supplier Code of Conduct

1 As defined in the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), including trafficking in persons, slavery, servitude, forced labour, forced marriage, deceptive recruitment, debt bondage and the worst forms of child labour.