We put Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) features front and center.

Environment Social Governance Modern Slavery Statement 2023

Environmental commitments

Our focus on renewable energy

We are a sustainable data center platform, with a highly experienced energy and infrastructure management team. We build, own and operate real assets including data center infrastructure powered by renewable energy.

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Local community partnership

We look to partner with and support local communities where we operate including First Nations and Indigenous groups.

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Ethical governance

IREN places a strong emphasis on proper governance and believes that well governed companies typically face lower ESG risks, enabling them to deliver sustainable long-term results to shareholders.

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Modern Slavery Statement 2023

This Statement describes the business of IREN and the subsidiaries it owns, the risks of modern slavery in our operations and supply chains, the actions we have taken to assess and address those risks in the relevant reporting period, and how we assess the effectiveness of such actions.

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