Childress Community Grants Program

for Childress, TX


The IREN Group run leading next-generation data centers powered by 100% renewable energy (whether from clean or renewable energy sources or through the purchase of RECs). We build, own, and operate our data centers and take pride in being at the forefront of sustainable solutions for the ever-evolving applications of AI cloud services. We believe that human progress is invaluable, but it should be done in the right way – responsibly, sustainably, and positively in order to have a positive impact on the communities in which we operate.

As a key component of our commitment to making a positive contribution to the local communities in which we operate, the IREN Group has established a Community Grants Program (the Program). The Program will provide funding for local initiatives that benefit the community in the areas of community participation, sustainability, safety, technology, and learning. 

Up to a total of USD$100,000 of grant funding will be available each year within the community of Childress, TX. 


Geographical area

Grants will be made to organizations and community groups within the County of Childress, TX – View Childress Map. 

Key Funding Priorities 

Community Participation and Pride 

Support for projects or organizations that encourage greater community participation and/or seek to recognize and celebrate the unique attributes of the region, which could involve volunteer awards, playground/community space enhancements, local festivals and events, and heritage preservation. 

Community Sustainability 

Support for projects or organizations that seek to build or enhance community sustainability, which could involve using renewable energy, promoting energy efficiency, reducing carbon emissions, recycling, school education programs, and community gardens. 

Community Safety 

Support for programs or groups that are working to increase public safety and well-being, which could involve neighborhood watch, community health initiatives, first aid equipment, and safety improvements to local amenities such as enhanced lighting. 


Support for organizations or programs that promote diversity in the community. 

Use of Technology for Community Benefit 

Support for organizations or programs that aim to create community benefit from the development and implementation of innovative technology. 

Improve Local STEM Participation (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) 

Support for organizations and programs that help promote the workforce of the future, including encouraging increased participation in the areas of trades, science, technology, engineering, and math. 

Selection Criteria:

The Organization: the applicant organization has a clear purpose and makes a valuable contribution to the local community. 

Social value: the initiative is essential to the local community and addresses one of the Key Funding Priority areas.

Positioning: the project will raise the IREN Group’s public profile through positive exposure and/or community engagement opportunities with target audiences. 

Funding: the proposal clearly outlines how funds will be utilized. 

Measures: appropriate measures and resources are in place to deliver and evaluate project success. 

General Rules

We do not support: 

  • Any programs linked with smoking, alcohol or gambling 
  • Religious, political or other lobby groups 
  • Purchase of lands, buildings or motor vehicles 
  • General operating costs, except where these are part of an approved project 
  • Commercial or advertising requests 
  • Projects that are the responsibility of Municipalities, Regional Districts, Provincial or Federal Governments 
  • Projects that cannot utilize the funds within 12 months of receipt 

Terms and Conditions

Standard terms and conditions should be read before an application is submitted. Read terms and conditions.


Applications for the Program may be submitted from 1 June to 30 August each year with up to a total of USD$100,000 being allocated to successful applicants prior to 1 September each year. The maximum allocation to any one application will be USD$10,000. 

Completed application forms should be submitted via the online form:

Any questions can be directed to:

Applications will be assessed based on their ability to address the Key Funding Priorities as well as the perceived benefit to the local community. All applications must meet the eligibility criteria and comply with the Terms and Conditions of the Program. 

Community Grants Program Application Form
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